3 most risky diseases in pediatrics

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This content was developed by physicians, with the aim of guiding physicians, medical students and health professionals in their professional daily life. It should not be used by people who are not in these mentioned groupsPediatria: médica investiga se bebê tem alguma doença, as well as their conduct serve as guidelines for decision-making by medical choice.

To find out more, we recommend reading the terms of use of our products.

Do you know which diseases are most at risk in pediatrics? In this Whitebook Blog post, we will address three: sepsis, multisystem inflammatory syndromePediatria: médica investiga se bebê tem alguma doença and asthma.

See below for the specifications of each one!

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Sepsis is one of the most common conditions and more severe of pediatrics. Infectious diseases are very common in the pediatric area and many children present a condition of sepsis and septic shock that is difficult to identify.

Due to the high morbidity and mortality, the diagnosis must be quick and effective, requiring specific complementary exams, such as arterial blood gases, serum lactate and central venous O2 saturation, and treatment should be instituted as soon as possible.

No Whitebook, the contents Sepsis and Neonatal Sepsis clarify the definitions the most important complementary exams and the specific treatment for each one of them. All updated according to the latest protocol Surviving Sepsis, 2020.

Access the contents and learn more about how they can help you in your daily life. 😉

Also read: World Sepsis Day 2021 under the eyes of pediatrics

Multisystemic inflammatory syndrome

Multisystemic inflammatory syndrome it is a newly recognized clinical picture, together with the covid-19 pandemic. Unknown by health professionals, its management is still under investigation. Further clinical studies are also still needed for the best treatment.

The picture is severe and affects children with acute covid or, more difficult to recognize, after some time of covid. High clinical suspicion is essential for not missing the diagnosis and improving the prognosis of patients, since many severe cases of covid in children are due to this syndrome. Diagnosis is based on defined clinical criteria and treatment is based on support and infusion of human immunoglobulin associated with aspirin.

In the number 1 medical app in Brazil you will find the main clinical characteristics of the disease, as well as the necessary complementary exams and the management of the patient, including the indications of specific medications. Reviews are carried out frequently, with the inclusion of new clinical evidence related to the condition. Click here and see the full content!

Listen to the podcast on the topic: Pediatria: médica investiga se bebê tem alguma doença Multisystem inflammatory syndrome: case report


Bronchial asthma is a very common condition in the pediatric age group and is one of the biggest causes of hospitalization and demand for pediatric emergency services. It presents in a broad clinical spectrum, from mild conditions to potentially fatal conditions. In all of them, there is indication for treatment and specific handling, suitable for each.

“The diagnosis can be difficult in children, especially in small ones, who are known as wheezing infants. In addition, many complementary exams used for diagnosis are not available in these patients and each age group will have a specific diagnostic approach, making the conduct difficult for the physician”, explains Dr. Dolores Silva, pediatrician and Whitebook content specialist, adding: ” Asthma treatment is divided into inter-crisis treatment and acute crisis treatment, each with its own objectives.”

In the Whitebook, you will find content related to asthma acute and wheezing infants, which includes the treatment suggested by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), 2021.

To learn more about asthma and covid-19, listen to our podcast: Asthma in children: attention in times of covid-19


In the infographic below, you can find three highlights for the diseases addressed in this post. Enjoy! 🙂

So, what did you think of the content? Tell us in the comments!

Co-author: Dr. Dolores Silva, pediatrician at UERJ.


Whitebook Content Analyst

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This content was developed by physicians, with the aim of guiding physicians, medical students and health professionals in their professional daily life. It should not be used by people who are not in these mentioned groupsPediatria: médica investiga se bebê tem alguma doença, as well as their conduct serve as guidelines for decision-making by medical choice.

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Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at the original source Click Here

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