5 Sony Xperia smartphones rumored for 2023 including a compact model and at least one with in-display fingerprint scanner

Sony has constantly impressed with its Xperia lineup and could deliver even more in 2023. (Image source: Sony)
Sony has constantly impressed with its Xperia lineup and could deliver even more in 2023. (Image source: Sony)

Sony is going to be busy with its Xperia line in 2023 according to a new rumor. Apparently, five smartphones spread across six model numbers could be in the pipeline for next year. Among those, it is possible one could be an Xperia 1 V model with an in-display fingerprint scanner while another could be the Xperia Ace IV compact smartphone.

Fans of Sony Xperia phones will supposedly have a lot to look forward to next year as a purported leak on a German-language Sony forum (via SumahoDigest) has claimed that at least six models are in the works. According to the post (machine translated below), the devices will utilize three different processors from Qualcomm. So, there will be three models using the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, one using the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1, and two using the Snapdragon 4 Gen 1. However, these six models will make up five different phone lines, as the devices using the SD 4 Gen 1 chip are possibly the same phone but for different markets.

Some deductive work has left the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 devices as most likely being the Sony Xperia 1 V, Sony Xperia 5 V, and maybe a Sony Xperia PRO-II phone. This would leave the Sony Xperia 10 V as the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1-sporting device. As for the Snapdragon 4 Gen 1, this has already been associated with a potential compact smartphone in the form of the Sony Xperia Ace IV, which has already been rumored to be heading for a global release. There is a chance that there would be an Ace IV model just for the Japanese domestic market and a slightly different one for the international market. The six model numbers would seemingly go from PM-142x-BV to PM-147x-BV.

At least one, if not a few or even all, of the above-mentioned Sony Xperia smartphones could come with an in-display fingerprint scanner, according to a hint left on Weibo that included the telling hashtag “in-screen fingerprint sensor”. This would likely be met with considerable approval from the Sony community, as Xperia 1 and Xperia 5 phones have frequently been reported with fingerprint sensor issues. Xperia devices usually have this particular function built into the power button, so it would be quite the departure for Sony to go with an in-display/under-display fingerprint sensor for one or more members of the 2023 Xperia lineup.

Buy an unlocked Sony Xperia 5 III on Amazon

Daniel R Deakin, 2022-11- 4 (Update: 2022-11- 4)

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