iPhone 13 features that Android owned first

Although there is a new set of iPhone 13 features that Apple announced exclusively for the new generation at the conference, many users believe that these features are not enough.

While these features are new and appear for the first time in Apple phones with iPhone 13, some of them have appeared in Android phones previously.

So here is a group of new iPhone 13 features but appeared previously in Android phones:

High Refresh Rate Screen

The iPhone 13 is probably the first phone from Apple uses a screen with a high refresh rate, but it is not the first device.

This is because Apple has been using screens with a high refresh rate since the first generation of Apple iPad Pro and ProMotion.

The Promotion feature remained exclusive to iPad Pro computers until this year, and was launched by Apple in the iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max phones.

iPhone 13 screens can reach a refresh rate of 120 Hz if the device needs it, and then return to the usual refresh rate.

This transition between high and low refresh rate works depending on the content displayed on the screen.

In order not to drain the phone battery quickly, and some types of content do not need a high refresh rate.

Screens with a high refresh rate appear in most medium and flagship Android phones, and the refresh rate in some phones reaches 185 Hz.

Read also: Comparison of iPhone 13, Galaxy S21 and OnePlus 9

Smaller screen bump

Android phones have largely abandoned the usual screen bump seen in iPhones today, and started using a hole in the screen.

Some Android phones also use a mechanical front camera that appears from the screen when you need it, and the camera technology under the screen is starting to appear.

The camera comes Hidden under the screen where the screen hole is, but without a black hole around it, which makes it invisible.

Apple relied on a slightly smaller screen protrusion In the iPhone 13, but without giving it up completely, and rumors speak of a screen hole in the iPhone 14.

Read also: Comparison of iPhone 13 Pro, S21 Plus, Z Flip 3, and 9Pro

128 GB storage space

iPhone 13 phones come in various models with 128 GB for the lowest version, which is the lowest available space In all Android phones.

The iPhone 13 is the first Apple phone to offer this space on lower models, but it’s common on Android.

Apple has also increased the maximum phone space in the iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max to 1 TB.

Instead of the 512GB it used to rely on until last year with the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max.

This space was required by Apple in order to store videos recorded with ProREs Professional technology.


These clips need a lot of storage space, especially if you use 4K resolution to record these clips.

Read also: The most important features of the new Apple Watch

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