Grab this smartwatch for Mom for only $50 and free shipping



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Sure, there are all kinds of fun electronics you can gift Mom on May 8, But between phone calls, texts, reminders, health tracking and more, there’s little that can beat an impressive yet affordable smartwatch. For instance, you can purchase this C-MAX Chrono-Max Smartwatch for $49.99 during our Mother’s Day promotion, the lowest price it’s ever been. Plus, you can save on shipping using coupon code SHIP4FREE.

The Chrono-Max boasts more than a dozen features that can be displayed on its 1.69-inch full-color touchscreen. For example, Mom can check the weather with a quick swipe, control your phone’s camera with a remote shutter and choose music or audiobooks to play. She’ll also receive alerts for phone calls, chats and texts. Additionally, Mom can change to watch face to suit her style or set up a stopwatch to track her time. There’s even a Find Watch Alert in case she loses it.

If Mom is athletic (or you need a way for her to stay fit), The Chrono-Max can also track vitals and sleep stats. There’s fitness tracking for multiple sports, as well. The soft, flexible silicone band gives the Chrono-Max a comfortable fit during intense activity. Speaking of which, the watch has an IP67 waterproof rating, and it’s sweat- and dust-resistant up to a meter of brief immersion. Charging time is just three hours, and C-MAX’s companion app, Da Fit, is available on Android and iOS. 

This smartwatch isn’t just a treat for Mom. You might want to add one to your everyday carry arsenal as well. Verified purchaser Joi M. said, “Being able to see my text faster. Helping with my step counter. Being able to check my heart rate and keep up with my breathing exercise to keep up with my oxygen levels. Nice to see my sleep patterns.”

Take advantage of our Mother’s Day promotion and get free shipping on a C-MAX Chrono-Max Smartwatch for only $49.99. Just use code SHIP4FREE at checkout. You can also grab the watch in Teal, Rose Gold or Pink.

Shop more Mother’s Day deals and use code SHIP4FREE to get free shipping.

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