Video game giant Electronic Arts announces job cuts

SAN FRANCISCO –  Electronic Arts on Wednesday said it is cutting about 5 percent of its workforce, as belt tightening continues in the video game and tech industries.

The California company behind hits including soccer game “FC24” is also “sunsetting” some titles and stopping development of others it thinks will not be successful, chief executive Andrew Wilson said in a message to employees posted online.

“We are streamlining our company operations to deliver deeper, more connected experiences for fans everywhere that build community, shape culture, and grow fandom,” Wilson said.

“In this time of change, we expect these decisions to impact approximately 5 percent of our workforce.”

The company’s annual report last year indicated it had 13,400 employees, meaning about 670 positions are being eliminated.

The announcement came a day after Sony said it was cutting 8 percent of its global workforce, as video game makers find they’re not immune to the wave of layoffs seen recently in the tech industry.

Calling it “sad news,” PlayStation chief Jim Ryan said that the Sony reductions would affect 900 people across the globe, including video game studios.

A separate statement said that US studios Insomniac Games and Naughty Dog, part of PlayStation’s stable, were hit by the job cuts.

Microsoft in January said it was laying off 1,900 people, or eight percent of staff, from its gaming division, following its acquisition of Activision Blizzard.

Last year the wider tech industry lost 260,000 jobs according to, a California-based website that tracks the sector.

So far this year, layoffs are at 45,356, the site showed, from 176 companies.


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