Men come to beauty salons because of excessive hairiness, but in the end they “get hooked” and become regular customers, say the workers in the salon.

Muškarci, nega Source: Shutterstock / YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / MAD_Production / RusAKphoto / Ermolaev Alexander

More and more men visit beauty salons in Belgrade and currently make up at least 30 percent of regular

There are more and more people who come regularly with their girls and most often do depilation treatments, eyebrow plucking, manicure, pedicure and solarium, say beauticians.

“There are more and more men in salons. It’s not just my experience, it’s said by colleagues in salons all over Belgrade. There are thirty of them, but also from the age of fifty Some come only to fix their backs, considering that they are too hairy, others depilate the whole body, including the intimate zone. “, says for MONDO Mirjana Jović from a beauty salon in New Belgrade.

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