Do you spend it watching Netflix? Take advantage of it, these series will help you learn English

The series that we can currently enjoy thanks to the platforms on demand, help us to see other perspectives, discover places and live wonderful experiences (even in fictional worlds). But they can also provide us with a very curious value if we see them with subtitles: learn or perfect our knowledge of English.

This, thanks to the theory of “ immersion“, which indicates that if we find ourselves in a context where everything or most of what is spoken is in a second language, we will learn it naturally , similar to how children do in their early years. A clear example is the Spanish-speakers, Asians, Africans, etc. who arrive in the United States and in a short time become bilingual; not with the level that only a course can provide but enough to socialize, survive and perform basic tasks.

If you know some English and want to expand your vocabulary, learn more about the slang used in different countries, certain expressions and even different accents of the “universal language”, make it your goal for this new year to watch the following Netflix series that EF English Live school experts recommend.It is important that you activate the subtitles and the audio is in English, which will also make you enjoy these productions as they were conceived.

The hidden world of Sabrina

Based on one of the characters from the famous comic Archie from the 60s, and who already had a successful series in the 90s starring Melissa Joan Hart, offers us a revamped version of the juvenile adventures of Sabrina, who is 50 percent mortal and 50 percent witch. This production is ideal for learning a lot of American teen slang, and has been recognized for its storytelling, acting, visuals, and direction.Ozarks If your thing is criminal dramas or networks of complicity and betrayal when there is a lot of money involved, then this is a series that you should not miss. It’s about a financial planner from Chicago who is forced to flee to Ozark (a rural area in the central United States to vacation), after a Mexican cartel he works for finds out he’s been stealing from them. Apart from being a very well told story, has dialogues that are easy to follow and understand.

Designated Survivor

It tells the story of Tom Kirkman, Secretary of Urbanism of the United States who is designated as “designated survivor” to live in a bunker, more for punishment than for reasons professionals. After a bomb attack where the president and the main leaders of the country die, he is surprisingly named president and then the adventures begin. In addition to entertaining and helping us understand how American power works, this series is very good for learning political vocabulary and some formalities in expressions.

Master of None

Aziz Ansari is an amateur actor from New York who is not sure what he wants from life, so he advances in a dynamic of trial and error full of doubts. Through very funny situations that he experiences, especially related to food, the protagonist and his friends help us to better understand the modern American language. After watching this series, you will surely add words like “yass” and “bro into your everyday language, if you haven’t already. It is a very fresh and youthful production.These are just a few suggestions that we can find in the vast catalog of the most famous online movie and series platform in the world, where there are thousands of productions in English that can be adjusted to our current level of language proficiency.An advantage of this type of platform is that they serve as a window to a vocabulary that is much richer than the one we can find in simple readings, and facilitate the understanding of cultural aspects both North Americans and Europeans that can be useful when traveling to other countries or making friends on social networks.Watching series or movies to learn English will never replace a detailed course structured by professionals, but it does serve as reinforcement and an extra source of new knowledge about the language.
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