Xiaomi's two cheap beasts are now ready to upgrade to MIUI 13


MIUI 13 is on its way to two of the most powerful cheap phones in the Xiaomi catalog.

Two of the most popular mid-high range phones from Xiaomi are about to receive the update to MIUI 13. As they have advanced from the portal Xiaomiui, the Beijing brand plans to release the new version of MIUI very soon for the Xiaomi Mi 11i and Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G.

The update will arrive in the devices at the same time as other models of the brand with the new version almost ready, including the Redmi Note 10, Redmi Note 10 Pro, Mi 11 Lite and Mi 11 Lite 5G.

The Xiaomi Mi 11i and Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G will receive Android 12 coming soon

MIUI 13 is the software version of the brand based onAndroid 12

. For now, Xiaomi has only started the rollout of the new version in China, but the global rollout is expected to start from the end of this month of January among the first terminals.

Now, we know that the Xiaomi Mi 11i –model known as Xiaomi Mi 11X in some markets– and Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G will be part of one of the first phases of MIUI 13 rollout.

Among the most important novelties of the update we can find a new user interface design with interactive widgets, updated typography and new wallpapers, as well as performance and privacy improvements, among other novelties.Xiaomi makes the MIUI 13 update schedule official for all its phones

As far as we know, the update will be available first through the beta program My Pilot, to later be released in the branch “Stable Beta”, before giving way to the definitive version.

Related topics: MIUI, Mobile, Xiaomi

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