An overlooked master of mystery and eroticism

Svenska Dagbladet – Sveriges kvalitetssajt för nyheter

Hilda Hilst (1930–2004) Photo: Instituto Hilda Hilst

The Brazilian author Hilda Hilst wrote reluctantly and combatively through life, thereby creating a peculiar literature that the outside world is only now opening its eyes to, after being allowed to stand in the shadow of her friend for decades and praising fellow author Clarice Lispector.

HRS It turns out that so many people interested in literature know Clarice Lispector but have never heard of Hilda Hilst? Both were born in the early 20th century (the former 1920, the latter 1930) and both are giants in Brazilian modernism. As the critic Benjamin Moser, author of the Lispector biography “Why this world” (2009), said, Lispector was a friend and admirer of Hilda Hilst. Still, it is Clarice Lispector who is called by the first names of her countrymen and who has been translated into many languages, including Swedish, while Hilst is only being discovered now.

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