A big step in a relationship. When are you and your half ready to live together?

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If you feel ready to talk about living under one roof, think again. It’s not fear, but foresight that should help you make a decision. Even if you can already leave a brush in your partner’s apartment, it is an important step in life when overcoming the comfort zone.

When moving, many couples find that they do not have space to store all things in one house. Finding it on the day of the move is stressful and your home may end up looking like a warehouse. Minimalist couples will not have to worry about the needs of the rooms in addition, but people with lots of clothes, furniture, collectibles will have to make annoying decisions about what to leave and what to throw away.

You can be embarrassed in front of you, but you can also laugh at it

In addition to all the conversations, it is important to be together in the same physical space often enough for you to know what it would be like to live with each other. “ said Rachel Freidus, a married and family therapist. Shopping or vacationing together can sometimes bring you unexpected situations, and it’s up to you to appreciate how your partner will behave.

Freidus points out that there should be a degree of comfort between the two of you, even if there are problems. Because when you live with your partner, you disclose your annoying moods or disagree with him. Make sure that the negative energy in the air is much shorter than the feeling of satisfaction and comfort.

Although nervousness is natural during such a decision, it should still be enthusiastic about choosing new tiles and home decorations. You should still be happy to take the relationship to the next level. Overall, it should be a joyous time to look forward to realizing the idea.

) Don’t hide your feelings or financial problems

Conversely, if you feel pressured, stop it. Moving in with a romantic partner is a decision that neither of you should be forced to do. Don’t look at your other friends, engaged after three months of dating. Also, if someone tells you that after a year it’s high time to live together, don’t be influenced unless you and your partner feel that way. If this is not done with 100% free will, there is likely to be remorse on both sides.

One of the most important talks should be on finance. The reality is that love won’t pay you bills, so be prepared for more questions. Who earns more, who spends less and how it will be with joint payments. If there is a disagreement in your or your friends’ finances and thinking, do not rush and wait for a decision until you resolve it.

Housekeeping goes hand in hand with housekeeping. If one of you is used to vacuuming the apartment every two days, while the other is enough once a week, you will have to find a compromise. Neither of you should feel as if you have become a parent for your partner and have to deal with all the homework for him.

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