Ahmad Jazlan appointed new Felcra Berhad chairman effective Oct 1

KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): Felcra Berhad on Saturday (Oct 2) announced the appointment of Datuk Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub as its new chairman effective Friday (Oct 1).

In a statement today, its board of directors said the appointment was a strategic move to drive the top management’s commitment to implement its transformation plan and steer the company towards sustainability, which in turn would safeguard the well-being of 112,479 Felcra Berhad’s participants and their families, as well as the rural community at 1,420 Felcra projects nationwide.

“Ahmad Jazlan’s extensive experience as the Rural and Regional Development deputy minister, and also as a former leader of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board and the National Kenaf and Tobacco Board will strongly support and steer Felcra Berhad’s transformation towards improving the company,” read the statement.

Felcra Berhad Group Chief Executive Officer Datuk Mat Roni Zakaria said Felcra Berhad’s top management was committed to achieving the goals set by Ahmad Jazlan and members of the board to facilitate efforts towards the company’s transformation.

He said he believed that under Ahmad Jazlan’s leadership, various innovations and initiatives could be introduced to improve the company’s operational processes and governance, along with proactive measures in tackling the new norms under the Covid-19 endemic phase.

“It is in line with the company’s strategic direction to achieve corporate continuity and company’s sustainability.

“The board of directors, top management, staff, retirees and participants of Felcra Berhad congratulate Ahmad Jazlan on this appointment and Felcra Berhad is optimistic that he can support the company’s efforts towards excellence,” he added. – Bernama

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