Appeal for democratization in view of the first national election World Cup held in Qatar?

The Middle East

where the chief has absolute authority 2nd in Qatar , the first national election There was a member election of the Advisory Council. Aiming to promote democratization by holding elections ahead of the first Soccer World Cup in the Middle East from November to December next year There seems to be.

Thirty of the 45 members of the Advisory Council, who have the role of advising the chief, were selected this time. According to Reuters and other sources, 233 people ran for 30 constituencies, of which 26 were women, but all were men. Voter turnout is 63.5%.

The remaining 15 members will continue to be appointed by Chief Tamim. Legislators will be given legislative powers that were not previously granted, and will be able to submit bills.

The election was originally scheduled to take place in 2007, but has been postponed many times.

A male civil servant (26) who voted said in an interview with the Asahi Shimbun, “Even with the appointment system of members so far,

Qatar has become fairly stable. I studied abroad in Canada etc. I understand the significance of voting, but I don’t know if the election will fit into this country. ”

Qatar is abundant

Natural gas and …

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