As the epidemic heats up, CLP and Far Easing employees can work from home flexibly

In response to the rising epidemic, Taiwan Big Brother announced today that employees in Beibeiji and Taozhu areas will work from home. Chunghwa Electric said that employees such as Taoyuan and Yingge may apply to work from home depending on the situation; Far EasTone continues to provide employees with flexible work from home.

In the face of the recent increase in the epidemic situation, Taiwan Big Brother announced that from the 17th to February 20th, office employees in Beibeiji, Taoyuan, and Hsinchu areas will mainly work from home. The necessary manpower required by the business is required to enter the office for work, and cross-building contact between employees is prohibited.

Chunghwa Electric announced that due to the increasing local epidemic situation in Taoji, the units in Taoyuan and Xinbei Yingge areas have strengthened the mechanism of subclassing and diverting work. Employees who live in the above areas on weekdays and work in other areas can apply for Work from home is implemented, and children at home who have school closures affected by the epidemic can also apply.

Far EasTone said that it has always provided employees with the flexibility to work from home, and Far EasTone has introduced the Teams remote collaboration platform to advocate a physical and virtual mixed office environment to respond to the digital transformation of the new workplace environment , On the premise of not affecting the company’s business operations, it provides a “home remote work” model, allowing employees to take into account both epidemic prevention and family care.

In response to the rising epidemic, Taiwan Big Brother announced today that employees in Beibeiji and Taozhu areas will work from home. Chunghwa Electric said that employees such as Taoyuan and Yingge may apply to work from home depending on the situation; Far EasTone continues to provide employees with flexible work from home.

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