Beasts of science: these cockatoos eat with cutlery!

“Bêtes de science” is like a collection of stories. Beautiful stories that tell the living in all its freshness. But also in all its complexity. A parenthesis to marvel at the treasures of the world. For this new episode, let’s pay a visit to a funny bird: the cockatoo.

The cockatoo is a bird from the same family as the parrot . He is originally from Indonesia and Australia. And it should its name in Malay “kaka” which means ” bird ” and “ tüwa ” which means ” old “. Because the cockatoo lives, on average, up to 60 years.

This strange bird, there are many species. His distinctive sign is undeniably his feather crest, a crest that he can erect whenever he wants. Especially when he feels threatened. But it is a very sociable bird. In contact with men, it even requires a lot of attention. He likes to share the life of the family. He is a playful and curious bird. An intelligent bird.

This is why researchers are very interested in cockatoo . Over many years of study, they have observed several complex behaviors in him. Goffin’s cockatoo, a species considered near threatened, for example, is a big fan of animals that show signs of culture .

Discovery can make you smile. more endangered species . wood of the trees that surround them, Goffin’s cockatoos thus make three different types of tools. intelligence superior and of a form of culture. Futura without advertising

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