Buy a Microsoft Office 2019 license for Mac or Windows for $25 right now


Score a Microsoft Office license now at a big discount.


Whether you’re setting up your new laptop or using a machine you’ve had for years, access to Microsoft Office is a necessity for many of us to get things done. Right now, you can buy a lifetime license to the 2019 version of Microsoft Office Professional Plus for either Windows or Mac from Stack Social for $27 — that’s 88% off. 

The only major difference between Office 2019 and later versions is that it doesn’t include Microsoft Teams. However, it does include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, and Access — so if that’s all you need, it’s a great deal for the price. (If you do want a version of Microsoft Office with Teams, you can check out this deal for Microsoft Office Professional 2021.)

A caveat: While Stack Social is an authorized Microsoft partner and offers “lifetime” access to Office, it is possible that Microsoft could end the license. But the site has been running these Microsoft deals for years now, and I can personally vouch for them — I purchased an Office license from Stack Social about two years ago, and it’s still working on my personal MacBook today. 

This deal won’t give you the benefits of the latest Microsoft Office 365 subscription, either — but you won’t have to pay a $70 yearly fee to access Office apps, either. Windows users must have their OS updated to Windows 10 or 11, while Mac users should have at least Monterrey Version 12 or newer to download the software. 

Buy your lifetime license Microsoft Office Professional 2019 right now.

Deals are subject to sell-out or expire at any time, though ZDNET remains committed to finding, sharing, and updating the best product deals for you to score the best savings. Our team of experts regularly checks in on the deals we share to ensure they are still live and obtainable. We’re sorry if you’ve missed out on this deal, but don’t fret — we’re constantly finding new chances to score savings and sharing them with you at

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