Choosing eggs for better hatching is addressed by geneticist

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Hatching is essential in the planning and production of day-old chicks

Marina Herrvé , geneticist at Hendrix Genetics, addresses, in the September issue of Revista do OvoSite, the objective of continuously optimizing the number of first quality chicks born by each breeding bird.

For her, in order to make a good prediction of the reproductive performance of the matrices, hatching is essential in the planning and production of chicks of one day.

She talks about the factors that can affect the hatching of

eggs fertile: The age of the dams, the period of the year, the male/female ratio and nutrition. The handling, storage of eggs, room temperature and relative humidity, on the other hand, have an effect on embryonic mortality and hatching.

The complete geneticist: “We added fertility and hatching characteristics to our lines of females over 80 weeks of age. Normally these females are only used to record data on daily production and egg quality, viability and so on. Using artificial insemination techniques on these females, collecting the fertile eggs, storing them for different periods and incubating them later, we came up with a new list of traits related to hatching in the later age of the birds. As part of these measurements, we performed embryodiagnostic analyzes to investigate clear eggs and dead embryos, and separated them into categories. At hatch, we count and classify day-old chicks according to quality standard, and record all data directly in the selection program’s database. In this way, we were able to select carefully, as the objective is to continuously optimize the number of first quality chicks born by each breeding bird.”


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