Clip: Oz Perkins’ Horror “The Monkey”


NEON has released an official clip from “The Monkey,” the next film of actor-turned-filmmaker Osgood ‘Oz’ Perkins following “Longlegs” earlier this year.

The film is an adaptation of Stephen King’s short story “The Monkey” and will see “The White Lotus” star Theo James in the lead, and James Wan as producer.

The story begins when twin brothers Hal and Bill discover their father’s old monkey toy in the attic. A series of gruesome deaths start occurring all around them, so the brothers decide to throw the monkey away and move on with their lives, growing apart over the years.

But when the mysterious deaths begin again, the brothers must reunite to find a way to destroy the monkey for good before it takes the lives of everyone close to them.

Tatiana Maslany, Elijah Wood, Christian Convery, Colin O’Brien, Rohan Campbell, and Sarah Levy co-star.

Michael Clear, Jason Cloth, and Dave Caplan are also producing with Perkins doing the script. “The Monkey” will hit cinemas on February 21st.

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