Clubhouse social network is now available in the browser

07.01.2022 , Vladimir Fetisov

Since the debut of the social network Clubhouse in 2020, users have always been required to use a mobile app to interact with the platform. This is about to change, and people will be able to connect to Clubhouse rooms using a browser without having to register on the platform.

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According to reports, Clubhouse developers have begun testing a new experimental feature that allows you to interact with social media through a browser. In the mobile version of Clubhouse, there will be a tool for creating links to rooms, which can be shared, for example, on social networks or by email. After clicking on such a link, users will be able to join the number of listeners directly in the browser without having to download and install the service client.

Although it will be possible to join the Clubhouse without registration, create only authorized users will be able to link to rooms. At this stage, the innovation has become available to a limited number of Clubhouse users from the United States. It is assumed that, if required, the ability to use the platform through a browser will be extended to other markets. No specific deadlines have been announced, so it is difficult to say how long the new feature will be tested.

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