Crop your movies easily with the smart free program Handbrake

It is rare for a film to be shown immediately, whether it is taken with the phone or a more professional camera. Usually some form of editing is needed. The most common is to remove insignificant pieces at the beginning or end, or somewhere in the middle, which is usually called trimming.

This can be done by most video editing programs, it is their job, and it is also possible to do directly in many phones. But if you have now filmed at a slightly longer distance and your actual subject is somewhere in the middle, then you may want to crop it. There can also be other reasons for cropping and it is a common measure for still images, but not so common when it comes to video.

This is not to say that it is impossible. It’s just that there are not very many programs that can handle it. One that can is Handbrake, an excellent free program that we have used before.

Classic Windows Movie Maker also does the job, but that program can no longer be downloaded and installed.

There are also other apps for both Windows and the phone, but we show Handbrake, which is both good and done in open source. It is mainly intended for conversion between formats, but has many functions.


1. Open movie

Surf to to download and install the program. Drag your movie file into the black box. You see some information about it and can, among other things, choose which format your converted film should have. More choices can be found on the tab Video .


2. Resize

Change to the tab Dimensions . Mark Custom under the heading Cropping

. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to graphically select the crop, but you must indicate with numbers how far in from each edge you want to cut.



3. Preview

Making the right choice is not as difficult as it seems, as there is a smooth option for preview. Set your values ​​and click on Preview . Now you see how the result will be and can go back and change.

4. Start

When you are satisfied, make any other format choices you need, select where to save the movie, and then click Start Encode . Now just wait – the process can take a long time depending on the size of the movie and the resources of the computer.

Anders Reuterswärd

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