Daily Horoscope: September 30, 2021

The moon in Cancer makes a helpful connection with Neptune in Pisces at 4:06 AM, inspiring our imaginations, and we’re in an affectionate mood as the moon connects with Venus in Scorpio at 5:44 AM. The moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn at 9:54 AM, stirring up intense emotions, and we’re eager to discuss things as the moon clashes with Mercury retrograde in Libra at 10:49 AM. Venus squares off with Jupiter in Aquarius at 7:31 PM, creating an over-the-top, fun atmosphere—but try not to over-do things! We’re feeling courageous and creative as the moon enters bold fire sign Leo at 8:53 PM.

All times ET.


People seem to be just as excited about your dreams as you are, Aries, and that makes you feel supported! Romance and creativity flow as the moon enters Leo…just try not to overindulge as Venus squares off with Jupiter.


Your ruling planet Venus clashes with Jupiter, bringing a fun, over-the-top atmosphere! You’re feeling especially popular, Taurus. Good luck flows in your relationships and the moon enters Leo, bringing your attention to home and family.


As much as you want to say yes to every invitation, there’s only so much you can do in a day, Gemini! Things are exciting as Venus clashes with Jupiter and the moon enters Leo, illuminating the communication sector of your chart.


It’s an exciting time to dive deep into intimacy and explore your creative talents as Venus clashes with Jupiter! The moon enters Leo later on, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules money, security, and comfort.


Exciting developments are taking place in your personal life and relationships as Venus squares off with Jupiter. Just try not to over-indulge, Leo! The moon enters your sign, helping you get clear on your needs.


Exciting conversations take place as Venus clashes with Jupiter…but try not to gossip! A sweet message may come your way. The moon enters Leo, encouraging you to catch up on rest.


Your ruling planet Venus clashes with Jupiter, creating an exciting atmosphere! A lovely gift may come your way. The moon enters Leo, inspiring a friendly energy.


An abundance of love and creative inspiration flows as Venus clashes with Jupiter—but be careful not to over-indulge. The moon enters Leo, shifting your focus to your career and life in the spotlight.


Sweet Venus clashes with your ruling planet Jupiter, bringing exciting conversations your way! Just try to avoid gossip, Sagittarius. The moon enters fellow fire sign Leo, inspiring you to explore new opportunities.


Venus squares off with Jupiter, creating an exciting atmosphere in your social life! Just try not to over-indulge, and keep you budget in mind. The moon enters Leo, finding you reflecting on financial issues like debts, taxes, and resources you share with your partners.


You’re feeling especially popular as Venus clashes with Jupiter! An exciting reward may arrive. The moon enters your opposite sign Leo, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart and encouraging connection.


Lovely Venus clashes with your ruling planet Jupiter, bringing over-the-top fun! Just try not to over-indulge or let your imagination run away from you, dear Pisces. The moon enters Leo, encouraging you to get organized.

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