Dalit who begged on the streets evangelizes man who becomes leader of pastors

The Indian Kamal tells that, one day, a beggar named Lázaro appeared in his neighborhood. Lazarus was an itinerant man and known to be a dalit or untouchable — term used for people considered “inferior” or outside the caste system.

Lázaro survived begging in the streets. One night, he slept in front of Kamal’s house. As it was raining, he says he took pity and decided to take an old blanket to the beggar, according to a report by Global Disciples, a Christian support organization.

Seeing Kamal’s gesture, Lázaro asked if he could talk to him. The two started a dialogue until the beggar started talking about Jesus and then offered him a Bible.

Unexpected behavior

To the beggar’s disappointment, Kamal burned the Bible. After that, he didn’t sleep well at night, reporting that he didn’t feel very sleepy. The beggar was gone.

When Kamal woke up, he had a sudden desire to know more about the Bible that he hadn’t even read. There were no Christians in his area, but he heard about the existence of followers of Christianity in a distant city, which was three days away by train.

Kamal decided to travel there. When he reached his destination, something remarkable happened—he bumped into Lázaro on the street. The two talked a little more and, soon, he was already with other Christians who taught him about the Word of God.

Irresistible Power of the Holy Spirit

Moved by the power of the Word and the Spirit, Kamal gave his life to Jesus, recognizing him as the savior of his life.

Currently, he has evangelized and the people around him are converting too. He directs a discipleship mission training program, which he launched with the help of Global Disciples.

In the first year, he managed to train 21 people. “They are all pastors now,” he shared happily. “We started 52 churches in our district. In the first evangelism service we baptized 151 people”, he continued.

In addition, now Kamal helps Lázaro, who no longer needs to beg in the streets and who has started to lead a church among his own people.

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