DNA TV Show: Amid threats, Salman Khan’s Mumbai home gets big security upgrade with bulletproof glass

After the murder of Baba Siddiqui, Salman has increased his security manifold.

According to the recently filed chargesheet in the Baba Siddiqui murder case, Baba Siddiqui was murdered because he was close to Bollywood actor Salman Khan. Months after this, Salman’s security has further increased. First, bulletproof glass was installed in the balcony and now three temporary police posts have been set up in front of Galaxy Apartment, where Salman Khan lives. Police will provide security to Salman round the clock in 3 shifts.

Salman is making everything bulletproof, whether it is a bulletproof car or a bulletproof glass of the balcony. After the murder of Baba Siddiqui, Salman has increased his security manifold. On 4th April 2024, when firing took place at Galaxy Apartments, a police post was set up here so that if anyone started firing or created any disturbance, he was caught immediately.

Today, Salman has been given Y+ security by the Maharashtra government. He has personal bodyguards, travels in a bulletproof car, bulletproof glass has been installed in the balcony around the house, 7 high-security CCTV cameras have also been installed along the entire Galaxy Apartment, 100 policemen are now there for security, Salman has 4 layers of security, which also includes commandos.

Policemen are engaged in security day and night in 3 police posts outside the house. Salman Khan has now stopped roaming around openly on a bicycle, meeting fans, although he is shooting under heavy security because there is a threat from gangster Lawrence Bishnoi.

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