Do THIS and the magic of love awaits you!

How to attract the love of your life during the new moon on October 6 – an old technique can help you!

The New Moon in the sign of Libra awaits us on October 6, and its energy will be transformational and powerful, so great changes will follow, especially in the field of love.

The time has come to take care of Wednesday in order to establish balance and everything has been sorted out. You need to capture that inner sense of understanding who you are, what you really need and what determines whether you want to be the happiest person possible.

You need to discover your uniqueness and the beauty of your soul, what is it that she dreams about, what is her imagination… By feeling and getting to know yourself, you will no longer be able to engage in self-deception and you will avoid relationships with the wrong people. When you better understand yourself and your emotions, you want to be your own and at the same time enjoy communicating with the people around you. And you will not be afraid to defend your borders and say something that bothers you, does not suit you and causes discomfort.

During the period of the new moon in Libra, it is very important to work on on the topic of relationships. Elaborate your sensation in society. How do people treat you? Why is it like that? What would you like to change? Does someone else’s opinion matter to you? Can strangers confuse you or destroy your relationship? Answer these questions honestly, without deceiving yourself and many answers will appear.

Energy is especially favorable for those who are looking for a soul mate.

6. October and in the next two days (ending on October 8) work on yourself and your romantic life.

Take a sheet of paper and start honestly writing what kind of partner you need. Write openly, don’t lie to yourself, don’t compose fairy tales. This is just your sheet in which you need to discover the truth for yourself.

If you are in a relationship, then write down what is missing to make the relationship ideal from your point of view. Maybe he stopped giving compliments, you rarely go out together, he became angry or cold. Think about why it might be.

It is especially important to write down your feelings when fantasizing about a potential partner. How do you see yourself next to him, what does the future bring to him with him. Think about all the nuances down to the smallest detail, and write at the end of the sheet: “With an open heart and with gratitude I accept to meet this person.” Hide the sheet in a special and hidden place, where you keep important things and memories.

Autumn is a time of magical mood, romance, comfort and open souls. If you apply this technique during the new moon, it does not necessarily mean that tomorrow your man will suddenly jump out of the corner and take you to a new life.

This technique is important because it helps you know exactly what you need in a romantic relationship and who you will be happy with. It will help you choose the best option and build your way to it. May the new Moon bring you happy and wonderful changes!


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