Europe to accuse Apple of anti-competitive practices over its NFC chip

Apple Pay - Mexico

Limits that Apple applies to the use of NFC on the iPhone and the Apple Watch could be a “slap on the wrist” by the European Union. That, at least, indicates Reuters , which ensures that European regulators are ready to impeach the firm of Cupertino of anticompetitive practices . It would focus on the NFC chip, whose use today is limited to Apple Pay .

According to the aforementioned media, the measure could force Californians to “open their mobile payment system to rivals”, and at the same time face a significant fine. Anyway, it is mentioned that the European Commission objection statement would be sent to Apple in 2022 .

This news is a new concern for those on the block. The company has been under scrutiny from Europe for this reason since June 2020. However, Reuters says that regulators have since reduced the focus to put it only on the NFC chip used by Apple .

The NFC chip, a possible new headache for Apple

The limitation that Apple imposes on the use of NFC in its devices dates from 2014 . At that time the company decided that only Apple Pay can use the chip built into the iPhone to make payments. The explanation given at that time was that the firm intended to advance cautiously in the application of new technologies .

However, over time this trend continued. Currently, iPhone or Apple Watch users do not have other means of payments through NFC that do not operate under the conditions of Apple Pay . This has led European regulators to put the magnifying glass again on this topic.

If the European Commission moves forward with this decision, we will have to see how Apple counteracts it legally . For now, we would have to wait until next year to know reliably the objections of the regulators to Apple’s NFC chip and its use.

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