Extension of the health pass this Thursday, who, where, when? Find out what you need to know

From this Thursday, minors aged 12 to 17 must present a health pass at the entrance to all places where it is already required for adults.

As a reminder, the pass is required at the entrance to many places, including bars, restaurants, nightclubs, funfairs, zoos, festivals, sports halls, museums, cinemas, long-distance transport, to get to a service (except emergency) or in shopping centers in departments with a high incidence rate. It is not required for school and university sports, but it is for recreational and competitive practitioners. In total, more than five million adolescents are affected by this new measure: all minors under 17 and over 12 years and two months. “This two-month period will allow adolescents barely 12 years old on September 30 to receive their complete vaccination schedule” without having to perform tests to benefit from the pass, specifies the government on its website .

63% of this age group have a complete vaccination course

According to data from the Ministry of Health stopped on September 26, 71% of 12-17 year olds have already received at least one injection, or 3.6 million adolescents. Among them, 3.2 million have completed their vaccination schedule and therefore have a valid health pass, i.e. 63% of the age group. On the other hand, 1.5 million 12-17 year olds have not yet received the slightest dose of vaccine, proposed since the start of the school year (23,800 have benefited to date, according to the Ministry of Health). However, the authorities are counting on a “rebound effect” in the vaccination rate linked to the entry into force of the health pass. “This is the age group where the number of people to be vaccinated is reduced the most quickly,” notes the ministry. “Vaccination for 12-17 year olds remains very dynamic.” Like their elders, young people will be able to validate their pass with a negative screening test, a complete vaccination schedule or a certificate of recovery from Covid-19 less than six months old.

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