Florida Governor Supports Bills To Ban 15-Week Abortion

Florida aborto
Photo: AFP

The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, who will seek a new mandate in this year’s elections, stated this Wednesday that he considers it “very reasonable” to prohibit abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy as propose two bills presented the day before in the Floridian Congress.

In a press conference offered in Bonita Springs , the Republican DeSantis said he did not know in detail the projects of the legislators of his same party Erin Grall and Kelli Stargel, one presented before the lower house and the other before the Senate, which, if approved, will change from 24 to 15 the maximum of weeks of gestation up to which a woman can undergo a legal abortion in Florida.

«Obviously I support the 15 weeks. I think that is very reasonable and I think that it is very consistent with supporting the protection of life”, he stressed.

“I think it will be something that we can sign and that a lot of people will be very happy with it,” he added.

The proposals of Grall and Stargel, which with the support of DeSantis can be approved without difficulty given that both chambers of the Floridian Congress are under the control of the Republican Party, are similar to others proposed in conservative states, but not as radical as a law passed in Texas in 2021.

The new Texas law, whose Governor, Greg Abbot, will stands out for its extreme conservatism, prohibits abortion from six weeks of pregnancy, without exceptions in cases of incest or violence and has given rise to numerous judicial appeals, one of them before the Supreme Court of the United States, which in a very controversial ruling decided in December that it remain in force.

Restrict the right to abortion

In addition to the Grall and Stargel projects, there is another project pending in the Florida Congress that proposes to restrict the right to abortion as in Texas and was presented on September 22 .

The so-called “Heartbeat” bill, proposed by Webster Barnaby, prohibits physicians from performing or induce an abortion if a fetal heartbeat is detected, but makes exceptions in cases of rape, incest, domestic violence, human trafficking, or a condition that threatens the mother.

  • Inflation in the United States shot up to 7% in December
  • However, women claiming such exceptions will need to submit documentation, such as a restraining order, medical record, or court order, to legally abort.

    Under this bill lawsuits can be filed for violations and there is the possibility of civil damages and damages.

    «The Florida version of the law of Texas”, as Democratic representative Anna Eskamanni called it, passed its first reading on Tuesday in the Florida Congress, which that day began a new session period that will last 60 days.

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