Fortunately, you will no longer see these videos on YouTube, they have all been deleted

The coronavirus crisis has made large technology companies make the decision to allow freedom of expression or, for the good of all, limit dangerous speeches for health.

This debate has been between us for a couple of years, just coinciding with the pandemic. The anti-vaccines and conspiranoids are not from now, but they have taken advantage of the moment we live to expand like never before.

While the health authorities and the scientific community called for vaccination ( Spain in the lead ), as a great remedy against the coronavirus, creators from all over the world are dedicated to uploading videos to the networks denying reality.

That if everything is an evil plan, that if COVID19 is caused by 5G, that if vaccines are a matter of Bill Gates and his Windows 11, etc. Any nonsense is valid in the anti-science escalation that denies the progress that medicine and vaccines represent.

And, as these theories are directly lies and threaten public health, l or that have decided from YouTube is to eliminate all those videos that support said theories and that call for non-vaccination for clearly false reasons.

Since last year, YouTube has removed more than 130,000 videos for violating their policies on COVID-19 vaccination , just like explain their website .

And now they have decided to go one step further, since they have announced that will eliminate the content stating that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects , supporting that vaccines do not reduce the transmission or contraction of disease, or containing misinformation about substances

This would specifically include content that says approved vaccines cause autism, cancer or infertility, or that the substances in vaccines can track those who receive them.

These measures will not only be applied with disinformation about COVID19, measles or hepatitis B, but also will apply to statements against vaccines , in general.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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