Fuel rationing incoming if Russia-Ukraine war continues – Energy Dept

The ongoing war in Ukraine may force South Africans to start rationing their fuel. This news comes from the South African Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.

Global fuel increases could bring forward rationing

The energy department stated that the increase in fuel prices is being felt across the globe. It explained that developing countries around the world are being hit a bit harder by the growing costs.

The department was briefing Parliament on 15 March about the impact the Russia-Ukraine conflict is having on the rising fuel costs in South Africa. Tseliso Maqubela, an official from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy addressed the matter.

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According to Maqubela, a further R2 rise in the current fule price is possible. Maqubela stated that if the sanctions on Russia continue and the war in Ukraine is ongoing, South Africans could soon face petrol rationing.

Limitations on petrol per person may be coming

He revealed that there could be a point where limits are set on the amount of fuel one can fill up at a time and the possibility of rationing. Maqubela did, however, stress that South Africa is not yet at that stage.

“We may reach a point where we then say you fill up with 50 litres and that’s it per visit but we’re not there. I want to emphasise that we’re not there, we don’t think we’ll get there.”

Tseliso Maqubela, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy

Department is looking at other avenues to avoid fuel rationing

Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe stated that South Africa needs to look at its and find its own oil reserves. Minister Mantashe believes this is imperative in mitigating rising fuel costs for the future and possibly fuel rationing.

Treasury also proposed a measure that could assist the country on a short-term basis. It believes that executing recommendations from the basic fuel price review could result in a once-off fuel price reduction. This reduction could be between three and 18 cents per litre, reports EWN.

ALSO READ: Fuel price increase petition reaches over 100k signatures, SA annoyed

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