Gardaí appeal for info on 20th anniversary of murder of Shaun Duffy in Co Donegal

Gardai issue a renewed appeal around the murder of Shaun Duffy in 2005

Gardaí have issued a fresh appeal for information on the 20th anniversary of the murder of Shaun Duffy in Co Donegal.

The 36-year-old bachelor who lived in a bungalow at Meenacross, just outside Dungloe, was well known in the area.

He had worked as an undertaker and as a mechanic with an interest and involvement in motor racing and horse sales.

On Friday, January 28, 2005, Shaun had been socialising in the Strand View Bar in Maghery to mark his younger brother Kevin’s birthday.

After the pub, Shaun, who had celebrated the occasion with friends and family, continued to socialise at his mother’s house in Meenacross.

He returned to his own home at approximately 2.30am where he was attacked and fatally wounded in the early hours of Saturday, January 29.

His body was discovered in his home shortly before 2.30pm that afternoon.

Gardaí said in a statement issued on the anniversary of his death that solving the murder continues to be a priority for them.

“The investigation team at Milford Garda Station would like to thank those who have offered valuable information or assistance to the investigation to date,” a Garda spokesperson said.

“With the passage of time, some person may now be in a position to provide information to investigating gardaí that they could not provide at the time, or maybe some person who did provide information at the time may be now in a position to provide further information.”

Gardaí are encouraging anyone whom they may or may not have spoken to previously, to come forward.

Meanwhile, investigating gardaí in Milford who are appealing for information believe that a number of people have yet to come forward who may now be in a position to assist in bringing those responsible to justice.

Gardai say that information received will be treated with absolute confidentiality.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Milford Garda Station on 074 915 3060 or the Garda Confidential line on 1800 666 111.

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