Gorillas fires several drivers in response to wildcat strikes

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Gorillas fires multiple drivers in response to wildcat strikes

  • Profielfoto Sarah Heuberger

So far, the fast delivery service Gorillas tolerated the improperly organized strikes of its riders. But now the company is drawing conclusions.

Ein Teil der Fahrer des Lieferdienstes organisiert wie hier abgebildet im Sommer 2021 regelmäßig sogenannte wilde Streiks, also unangemeldete Blockaden.
As shown here, some of the delivery service drivers regularly organize so-called wild strikes, i.e. unannounced blockades, in the summer of 2021.
Start-up scene

For a few days, parts of the Gorillas driver staff – for the repeated time. The demands are well-known: more wages that are paid on time, fixed-term contracts as with Lieferando and Wolt, better duty scheduling. With their blockades they paralyzed several camps in Berlin and Leipzig. Now, for the first time, the company has taken action against the blockades and has fired several drivers who actively participated in the strikes. After the layoffs had already been a topic on social media such as Twitter, the company confirmed this step to Gründerszene on Tuesday evening.

“Since Friday there have been a number of unannounced, wild” strikes, blockades and the blocking of emergency exits in warehouses by employees at some locations in Berlin and Leipzig. Such unannounced and non-union strikes are legally inadmissible, “said Gorillas in a statement.

After careful consideration one sees therefore forced to enforce the legal framework: “That means that we end the employment relationship with those employees who actively participate in the unauthorized strikes and blockades, who hindered the company through their behavior and thus endangered their colleagues.” How many employees there were, a spokesman for Gorillas did not want to reveal when asked by the Gründerszene.

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Manageme nt traveling incognito?

Another debate last weekend sparked the question of whether the two gorillas Managers Adrian Frenzel (new COO) and Ronny Gottschlich (CCO) had passed as drivers in order to end the strike. The controversial driver collective Gorillas Workers Collective had posted a photo on Twitter showing two men with masks and bicycle helmets discussing with the strikers:


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A Gorillas spokesman confirmed founders scene that it is in the photo the two managers acts. The two “were incognito at no time on site,” the spokesman said. It is quite common for gorillas for management to participate in the deliveries. Gottschlich and Frenzel tried to negotiate with the strikers in order to be able to continue driving with the drivers who are not participating in the strike. “Both them and the other bikes were denied this by the striking riders,” said the spokesman.

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