Gunn Confirms Darker Final “Guardians”

Gunn Confirms Darker Final Guardians

Filmmaker James Gunn may be receiving a ton of acclaim for his new DC superhero TV series “Peacemaker,” but right now he’s occupied with being in the middle of production of the film “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” for Marvel Studios.

Speaking with the Hero Nation podcast, Gunn confirmed this is very much a proper ending of the story that began with his first film and so anything more will likely involve a new team both in front and behind the camera:

“This is the end for us, the last time people will see this team of Guardians. It’s big. It’s so, so big and dark, and different from what people might be expecting it to be. I just want to be true to the characters, the story and give people the wrap-up that they deserve for the story. That’s always a little bit scary. I’m very aware that the third film in most trilogies suck.”

Gunn is also working on the “Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special” which is expected to premiere sometime later this year. The ‘Guardians’ character meanwhile will also show up in Taika Waititi’s “Thor: Love and Thunder” due later this year.

“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” is expected to hit theaters on May 5th 2023.

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