He spoke out against emigration oh

László Tőkés, President of the Hungarian National Council (EMNT) in Transylvania, spoke out against emigration in his New and New Year’s message to MTI


As the pastor-politician reminded him, a census will be held in Romania this year and the Hungarians of Transylvania are expected to be “found”. The former bishop has accused the country’s leaders that for decades now the people of Romania have been “voting with their feet and leaving their homeland behind”. He mentioned that there are currently 3.6-4 million Romanian guest workers working in foreign countries. Syria is followed by Romania and a significant proportion of migrants are Hungarian.

“What is the point of freedom if we use it to leave our homeland? does it lead to the abandonment of our loved ones staying at home, the denial of our Hungarian identity in Transylvania, the depopulation of our villages and towns? are they migrating? ” – asked László Tőkés

Did you think that the question is whether we should be Hungarian migrants or Hungarians from Transylvania?

Did you mention that since the change of regime in Romania In the past three decades, the proportion of the Hungarian population in Târgu Mureş fell below fifty per cent, in Satu Mare forty per cent, in Oradea thirty per cent and in Cluj-Napoca twenty per cent. Nor is it comforting that the decline of our Romanian fellow citizens is dramatic. It is the noble duty and sacred duty of our community to keep those who are at home and to call those who have left home. promote the survival of our people in the land of Transylvania “- states in the message of László Tőkés.

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