Invitech became the 4iG

A 4iG-é lett az Invitech


Three weeks after the conclusion of the contract, there was no need to wait for the Competition Authority to approve the acquisition and to close the financial part of the transaction.

After the Competition Authority approved a week ago for 4iG to acquire Invitech, the transaction has now been financially closed, it was announced. The contract for the deal was concluded in mid-September .

In a statement, 4iG puts it the value of the acquired company “with more than 600 employees, 5,000 customers and the country’s second largest 11,000-kilometer-long optical backbone network, while operating 23,000 end-user IT devices and five own data centers. has. The services of the Invitech infrastructure are used by all domestic mobile service providers. ”

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Jászai Gellért: Nem meglepő, hogy a bevételeink háromnegyede állami forrásból van

Jászai Gellért: Nem meglepő, hogy a bevételeink háromnegyede állami forrásból van 2021. September. 01. 12:59 HVG Economy

Gellért Jászai: No surprisingly, three-quarters of our revenues come from state resources the state is becoming a minority in Antenna Hungária, and it is not worth worrying that the emerging telecommunications giant holding may have access to sensitive customer data, says the 4iG general owner-manager, who will become the main entity in the new entity.

Jászai Gellért: Senki sem tart pisztolyt a fejünkhöz

2021. September. 02. 11:00 Gyenis Ágnes hvg360

Jászai Gellért: Senki sem tart pisztolyt a fejünkhöz Gellért Jászai: Nobody holds a gun to our head

The government is not forcing the company to expand too expensive, says the chief owner of 4iG, formerly associated with Lőrinc Mészáros. Your company will acquire a majority stake in Antenna Hungária, but according to it, the state will do well to become a minority owner.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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