Ioanna Maleskou's two-day love affair in Nafplio with her partner!

Ioanna Maleskou is in love and does not hide it and spent a two-day love affair in Nafplio.

For a few months now, Ioanna Maleskou seems to have found love in the eyes of Konstantinos Danias. The two of them had spent their summer vacation together and this was revealed by their photos on social media that depicted the same beach and the same jet ski.


The presenter and the dog trainer have not yet confirmed their relationship, however according to a post, the two of them spent a romantic two days in Nafplio.

The couple reportedly had a relaxing time, while did not fail to go up to Palamidi enjoying the view.

Ioanna Maleskou posed for the camera by her lover overlooking the sunset and did not hesitate to upload them to her personal Instagram account.

Let us remind you that Konstantinos Danias is a dog trainer and what united them is their love for animals but also for water sports.

Watch the video that posted herself from the escape with her favorite below!


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