Jeab Phichittra has auspicious time to reveal her own clothing brand.

as the new boss of the industry Jeab Phichittra It’s auspicious to reveal pijittra.closet own clothing brand ready to take on the role of a model by herself fully

is another entertainer who turns to own business for the beautiful actress Jeab Phichittra Recently, it is auspicious to reveal its own clothing brand through Instagram under the name @pijittra.closet and gradually revealing the first collection after lurking for a long time already

The first collection is a sweet and gentle girl’s style but has a strong attitude. with cool jumpsuit but secretly a mosquito net plus girl chick

is also a model for her own brand which each pose of our honorary model can tell that it’s kind. That beauty penetrates the flash beauty penetrates the fabric

This job girl chick got Said really is my intention Jeab So I want to do about clothes for a long time because of personal preference too and it’s enough when people see us. What kind of clothes are you wearing? So I think that if we have our own brand, it would be good . NS Do pijittra.closet came up and didn’t frame anything for the brand at all I want to have a variety of styles that looks feminine, which is not much and not less most importantly, really intends to do it with delicacy chick will look at the first step, which is designing fabric selection, we will choose The best fabric until the sewing process until the end of every step because the more it is our own brand quality everything must come out the best which girl chick Just open Instagram pijittra.closet A few days, now the number of followers has reached almost ten thousand The response of the brand can be called skyrocketing because looking at the order sales just a moment

Products are sold out

Can’t make it in time

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