Kinzinger: ‘Profit-Driven Radio’ Turning GOP Base ‘Angry, Fearful’

Sunday on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) blamed the combination of former President Donald Trump and “profit-driven radio” for changing the GOP base.

According to Kinzinger, those radio shows turned the base “into this angry, fearful” and “victimized group of people.” He added Trump and the base “fed off each other.”

“Did Donald Trump reveal what the Republican Party is or change it?” host Chuck Todd asked.

“You know, I think it’s actually a little bit of both,” Kinzinger replied.

“So, I think, on the one hand, Donald Trump is a symptom of years and years of leaders, you know, profit-driven radio shows, whatever, turning the base into this angry, fearful, you know, victimized group of people,” he added. “Or saying, look, you can never get a fair shot. You know, as time goes by, you’re going to lose more and more political power. Keep in mind — Republicans still won just about half of every races, but then Donald Trump came along and, I think unintentionally because I think he just wanted to be, you know, that guy, unintentionally got in front of the wave where people wanted somebody to blow stuff up. I think it’s a little of both. I think it’s fed off each other. The problem is leaders have to now interdict this fear and anger cycle, and they’re not doing it. They’re instead hiding.”

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