Lee Jae-myung “No, I 'killed Lee Jae-myung' to save Yun Seok-yeol”

국회사진기자단=더불어민주당 대선 주자인 이재명 경기도지사가 29일 오전 서울 영등포구 중앙보훈회관에서 열린 개발이익 환수제도의 문제와 개선방안에 대한 긴급토론회에서 발언하고 있다. 2021.09.29. photo@newsis.com
National Assembly Photo Reporters=Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung, Gyeonggi Governor He is speaking at an emergency discussion session on the problems and improvement plans of the development profit return system held at the hall. 2021.09.29. photo@newsis.com

Reporter Jeong Jin-hyung=Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung, a leading candidate for the Democratic Party of Korea, said, “Why did the conservative media, including the Chosun Ilbo, and the people’s power to ‘kill Lee Jae-myung’?

The governor said this through Facebook on the same day, saying, “I’m at a corner. It is reasonable to assume that Lee Jae-myung is attacking Lee Jae-myung to save the driven candidate Yoon Seok-yeol.” Referring to the fact that he confirmed the involvement of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of Investigation and Information Planning and the transfer of the case to the airborne agency, he said, “It is shocking.

He said, “This is a violation of the constitution, which should never be tolerated,” he said. “At this point, candidate Yoon Seok-yeol will also have to make an official statement. The Chief Prosecutor’s Office of Investigation and Information Policy, who serves as the prosecutor general’s eyes and ears, is known to have been held by the closest person in the country.”

The governor said, “I was working in the same space at the same time as my closest aide, but I Were you really unaware of this progress, did you not receive even a single report in relation to the case, and what is your position on the current situation where Prosecutor Son Jun-seong’s involvement was confirmed?”

He added, “No matter how much you try to get into the water, the essence of the contract accusation between the prosecution and the opposition is not obscured.” The body and the background should be clearly identified, and appropriate punishment should be given.

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