Lee Jae-myung received 55% of the votes for Boo, Ul, and Gyeong, and 1st place again… Lee Nak-yeon 33%

25일 오후 부산항 국제 전시 컨벤션 센터(BPEX)에서 열린 더불어민주당 대선 후보 선출을 위한 부산·울산·경남 합동연설회에서 후보자들이 주먹을 쥐어 보이고 있다. 왼쪽부터 이재명, 이낙연, 박용진, 추미애 후보. 연합뉴스

On the afternoon of the 25th at the Busan Port International Exhibition and Convention Center (BPEX), Busan, Ulsan, Candidates clench their fists at a joint speech in Gyeongnam. From left, Lee Jae-myung, Lee Nak-yeon, Park Yong-jin, and Choo Mi-ae. Yonhap News

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung held a majority in the Busan-Ulsan-Gyeongnam region presidential contest held on the 2nd. The vote confirmed the ‘trend theory’.

Governor Lee won 55.34% (19,698 votes) out of 62,098 electoral votes in the region in the Bu, Ul and Gyeong competition held at the Busan Port International Exhibition and Convention Center this afternoon. Former President Lee Nak-yeon was in second place with 33.62% (11,969 votes), followed by former Minister Choo Mi-ae in third place with 9.74% (3468 votes), and Rep. Park Yong-jin in fourth place with 1.30% (461 votes).

Accordingly, the cumulative vote rate of Governor Lee was 53.51% in the contest in which more than 1.03 million people participated until this election. Former CEO Lee had 34.67%. The cumulative votes obtained were 365,500 and 236,804, respectively, and the gap between the two candidates widened to 128,696. The cumulative vote rate of former Minister Choo was 10.58% (72,285 votes) and Rep. Park was 1.24% (8476 votes).

In the joint speech that preceded the counting of the votes, the topic of discussion was undoubtedly the suspicion of Daejang-dong development. Governor Lee said, “The people’s power attacks me because I am the owner of Hwacheon Daewoo and the criminal of corruption. People’s Power Politicians are thieves who share stolen goods.” He also sent an arrow of criticism to Rep. Kwak Sang-do, who announced his intention to resign as a member of the National Assembly on the same day, saying, “If I were the owner, even if I would throw it to a passing dog, I wouldn’t have given a single won to the prosecutor’s son for ‘false writing a will’.”

On the other hand, former CEO Lee said, “It makes the world noisy with things like the key point in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. said The mention of ‘local government’ as an axis of the case was interpreted as pointing out that Governor Lee Jae-myung, who was the mayor of Seongnam at the time, was also not free from this suspicion. The former CEO said, “Something is unsettling. Will I go to the main election next year with anxiety in my head?” He also said, “We need a change in the primary to win the Democratic Party.”

Amid growing suspicions about the development of Daejang-dong, the governor continues to win a majority, and now the attention is focused on the circuit competition to be held in Incheon on the 3rd. In the Incheon primary, the results of the second round of voting for 500,000 people will also be released.

Reporter Choi Ha-yan

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