Liverpool Retain Premier League Top Spot After Beating Manchester City

Liverpool Football Club continued their push for the 2024-2025 Premier League title by beating the league’s reigning champions, Manchester City at Anfield on Sunday, December 1.

Liverpool took advantage of the struggling form of Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City by delivering an A-list performance in front of their home forms.

Coach Arne Slot and his boys took the game to Manchester City early as Liverpool’s Cody Gakpo scored the opener in the 12th minute thanks to an assist from Mohamed Salah.

Liverpool ended the first half of the encounter with the slim lead leaving Manchester City to fight for a comeback. Unfortunately, they couldn’t do much as the Reds stepped up to seal the victory.

Liverpool sealed the victory via a penalty kick which was converted by Mohamed Salah in the 78th minute. Manchester City suffered this setback after German goalkeeper Stefan Ortega made a mistimed run which led to a foul on Luis Díaz and earned Liverpool a spot-kick.

With the 2-0 win, Liverpool remain top of the Premier League table with 34 points in 13 games, While Manchester City have dropped to the 5th spot with 23 points in 13 games.

After the Premier League matchday 13, Arsenal remain second with 25 points, while Chelsea remain third with the same point.

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