Logitech expands Logitech Sync capabilities to cloud-based software

ǻ, Ʈ, ȭȸ ַ (Logitech) ̺ 긮 η ϱ ȭȸ Ʈ ũ (Logitech Sync) ߿ Ʈ ƴ ٰ 20. ķ, ŷ ̼ǰ ġ IT μ ̱ Ŭ ̽ ȸǽǰ ũ̼ ִ.

̱ ü Ʈ (Gartner), ׼ι ׼ (Accenture) 2021 2021 ۷ι 忡 繫 η ̻ ݱٹ, ټ ٷ (83%) ̺ 긮 ٹ ġ ȣϰ ִ Ÿ. 꼺, ̺ 긮 û, غ ʿ 伺, 系 IT μ Ȱ ش.

IT μ ¸ ľ ڰ ķ, (Logi Dock) ȭ ֵ ϰ ü ũ̼ (Logi Tune) 뷮 ִ.

ũ IT μ ӹ ũ ȭ л ȭѴ. ̱ ÷ ߿ Ʈ ϰ õ ȸǽǰ 鸸 ġ ο ū ߻ ϱ ̸ 鼭 꼺 δ. Microsoft ũμƮ (Microsoft Teams), (ZoomTM), Ʈ (Google MeetTM video conferencing system) α Ŭ ÷ ۵ϹǷ IT μ  ÷ ϵ ⸦ 캼 ִ.

, ȸǽ ߿ IT μ ߽ ߿ ֵ Ѵ. Կ м 缳 ؾ ϴ, ؾ ϴ, Ǵ ƿ – ϴ θ ģ.

, ũ ο ġ ۺ Ÿ Ǹ ׼ û ִ.

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