Mali's international Coulibaly has a heart attack on the field

Mali’s football international Ousmane Coulibaly has suffered a heart attack during a game between his club Al-Wakrah and Al-Rayyan. The 32-year-old defender collapsed after which he received emergency treatment on the field. Coulibaly was taken to hospital in an ambulance. He will be cared for there. “We wish him a speedy recovery,” the organization behind the Qatari competition said.

The incident was reminiscent of what happened to Dane Christian Eriksen in the European Championship match against Finland last summer. The midfielder, who also played for Ajax, has been living with a defibrillator ever since and is carefully training again.

Coulibaly previously played in France and Greece. He was international for his home country Mali for many years, but was not called up for the upcoming Africa Cup.

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