Manitobans buck national beer trend

<p>Dave Martin/The Associated Press files</p>

Dave Martin/The Associated Press files

Today I’d like to raise a frosty glass and toast all the brave Manitobans who are doing their part to avert a growing national crisis.

Just to be clear, I am not talking here about the COVID-19 pandemic. No, I am talking about a crisis that cuts to the very heart of what it means to be Canadian — our rapidly declining consumption of beer.

What I’m trying to say is I was overcome with provincial pride this week when I got my mitts on the 2021 Industry Trends report produced by Beer Canada, the national trade association representing more than 50 Canadian brewing companies that account for 90 per cent of the beer made in this country.

According to Beer Canada — and you might want to rest your brew on a coaster before reading this — Canadians of legal drinking age consumed on average 69.3 litres of beer in 2020, a decline of 2.7 per cent from 2019. The 71.2 litres of beer consumed by the average Canadian in 2019 was a decline of 4.6 per cent from 2018.

While the consumption of Canada’s favourite adult beverage was sinking in most parts of the country, Manitobans were bravely cracking another cold one and saying: “Yes, I will have another brew because that’s what patriots do in the True North Strong and Free!”

In Manitoba, where this golden elixir borders on being a sacred libation, we bucked the national trend — per capita beer consumption in this province increased 0.7 per cent from 67 litres in 2019 to (prepare to be impressed) 67.5 litres in 2020.

For those of you who remember Grade 5 math, that means we Manitobans drank (hold on) half a litre more beer in the first year of the pandemic than we did the year before. It also means we have reversed a downward trend because our 2019 beer consumption was down 5.5 per cent from 70.9 litres in 2018.

According to Beer Canada, the only other provinces doing their part to keep beer sales floating high in 2020 were New Brunswick (where consumption was up six per cent) and Newfoundland (up 3.7 per cent).

If that does not make you proud to be a Manitoban, allow me to point out that today is officially the third annual Canadian Beer Day, which occurs every Wednesday before Thanksgiving and is dedicated to the people who brew beer, sell it, serve it, deliver it and — as if I’d forget this next group — drink it.

In a sincere effort to make Manitobans prouder about their efforts on behalf of the nation’s brewing industry, I called Ottawa and spoke to Brittany Burden, Beer Canada’s director of communications and engagement.

You will not be surprised to hear that Brittany, like me, believes this nation is built on two important patriotic pillars, namely (1) We watch a lot of hockey; and (2) We drink a lot of beer while we’re watching a lot of hockey.

“It (Canadian Beer Day) is a big deal,” she told me, a note of pride in her voice. “The past 18 months have been challenging for Canadians and businesses, specifically those in the hospitality industry, making beer’s role in bringing friends and family together more important than ever. Eighty-five per cent of the beer consumed in Canada is made in Canada. Not a lot of industries can say something similar.

“Beer has been part of our country’s culture for generations. It’s part of our identity and our heritage. Our long-term goal is to have the date (Canadian Beer Day) proclaimed in Parliament as an official holiday, not a day you’d get off but an officially recognized day.”

Personally, I’d argue every day is beer day in Manitoba, but I think I get Brittany’s point. When I suggested Manitobans were better Canadians than most — especially those in B.C., which had the lowest per capita consumption of all provinces at 64.8 litres in 2020 — she was all for it.

“Thank you, Manitoba!” she gushed, saluting our efforts to boost beer sales. “It (our 0.7 per cent increase) is a hopeful number. You guys are doing your part. I’ve been to Winnipeg a few times and always had a great time. The people of Manitoba know how to relax and enjoy things.”

She also noted the number of breweries in Manitoba is up 25 per cent, to 20 in 2020 from 16 in 2019. “Hopefully, Canadian Beer Day can help some of those breweries survive a little longer,” she told me.

Another fun fact is canned beer sales accelerated in popularity in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Manitoba helped lead the way. In 2020, national can sales increased by 12.3 per cent, while bottle sales declined by 15.1 per cent, and keg sales fell by a staggering 54.8 per cent because of restaurant and bar closures.

“Cans are very popular among beer drinkers; they account for a 74 per cent share of national beer sales,” Brittany explained. “In Western Canada, cans have been the dominant package format for a long time and the pandemic has accelerated the growth trend. In 2020, canned beer sales made up 83 per cent of sales in Manitoba. While many still go for the classic refillable bottle, Canadians who drink beer, often prefer cans because of their convenience and lighter weight.”

The point I am trying to make is that on this sacred day, a day dedicated to saluting Canadian suds, Manitobans have earned the right to raise a frosty a glass and drink a toast to a patriotic province that is upholding the great Canadian legacy of quaffing homegrown brews.

I’d also be happy to drink to making Canuck Beer Day an official holiday. You should probably buy the first round.

Doug Speirs

Doug Speirs

Doug has held almost every job at the newspaper — reporter, city editor, night editor, tour guide, hand model — and his colleagues are confident he’ll eventually find something he is good at.

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