Matrix New World Engineering Leadership Interviewed On ‘NJBIZ Conversations’

Top Quote Dennis Petrocelli, PG and Andy Raichle, PE, make guest appearances. End Quote

  • Newark, NJ (1888PressRelease) January 07, 2022 – Dennis Petrocelli, Senior Vice President and Andy Raichle, P.E., Vice President, Matrix New World Engineering (Matrix), were recent guests on ??NJBIZ Conversations??.

    In a wide-ranging conversation, Editor Jeff Kanige, discussed the firm??s work on the NJ Wind Port, the priorities for infrastructure and the importance of sustainability and resiliency.
    Petrocelli stated, ??We are looking to incorporate sustainability principles in our projects. We are literally taking the first steps.??
    Raichle added, “We think we are ahead of the game, as environmental engineers…we certainly have a better opportunity than most to make a real difference??.

    In response to the firm??s leadership status in disaster response, Petrocelli outlined how the company first became involved in the 2010 BP Oil Spill. That experience propelled the company forward in the restoration and resiliency arenas.

    Petrocelli further elaborated, ??In all honesty, Hurricane Sandy really launched our climate change resiliency work and Andy??s been a big part of that and that??s a big part of what we??re doing. Going forward, with all of these infrastructure projects, they all involve some sort of resiliency and we??re really proud of our work.??

    Raichle spoke about current and future projects in both New York and New Jersey. He stated, ??Based on the 100-year rule, we are going to see stronger and more frequent storms. It is our task to anticipate how best to mitigate the damage.??
    To listen to the interview, please click here.
    About Dennis Petrocelli, PG:
    Dennis Petrocelli, PG is Co-Founder of Matrix New World Engineering, Inc., a world class engineering firm providing environmental, geotechnical, civil engineering and consulting, and oil spill response services nationwide. He graduated from Rutgers University in 1982 with a double degree in Economics and Geology and co-founded Matrix in 1990 with Jayne Warne, PE.

    Mr. Petrocelli has more than 37 years of experience planning, directing and executing numerous geotechnical engineering and geology studies, site feasibility studies, geophysical surveys, preliminary assessments, underground storage tank (UST) investigations, and remedial investigation/feasibility studies for private and public sector clients. Mr. Petrocelli’s experience includes managing and directing multidisciplinary teams in evaluating complex issues associated with site development and site investigations. He has successfully managed large and complex environmental and engineering programs which have required detailed scientific analysis, cost-control programs and multi-disciplinary staffing and crews for on-call and indefinite delivery contracts. As Senior Executive at Matrix, Mr. Petrocelli routinely monitors project technical and administrative controls and has the authority to allocate resources to make certain that client needs and expectations are exceeded on every project.

    Under Dennis?? leadership, the firm has diversified its services from a solely public sector provider to a multi-faceted firm which includes equal amounts of public and private clients. Matrix has participated in major transportation and infrastructure projects including the Hudson Bergen Light Rail, 2nd Avenue Subway Programs, Grand Central Terminal Rehabilitation, East Side Access, Permanent PATH WTC Design and Reconstruction, and Monitoring at Ground Zero and Lower Manhattan after September 11. The firm has also provided expert engineering consulting services to the US Army Corps of Engineers, USEPA National Office of Enforcement, and the US Navy. Matrix has also worked with major corporations such as Exxon, British Petroleum, Amerada Hess, Georgia Pacific, Crane Company, Trammel Crow and Occidental Chemical Corporation.

    About Andy Raichle, PE:
    Andy Raichle is a civil and marine engineer with nearly 30 years of international experience in delivering waterfront development and maritime projects, including ports, warehousing, parks, resorts, marinas, parks, shore protection, and urban redevelopment projects. Well-versed in the technical, political, and regulatory specialties unique to the process of waterfront development/ redevelopment, he has managed projects throughout the U.S., U.S. territories, and the Caribbean. Mr. Raichle??s marquee project experience includes Atlantis Paradise Island, Miami??s Fisher Island, the Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor, and Lower Manhattan??s ??Big U?? Resiliency Project. For more than two decades, Mr. Raichle has focused on redevelopment and port development in the New York Harbor Complex, serving as the Engineer of Record for hundreds of waterfront projects. Most recently, Mr. Raichle has been leading teams of engineers, environmental specialists, and surveyors responding to Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Maria by implementing recovery and resiliency projects.

    About Matrix New World Engineering
    Matrix New World Engineering is a company of engineering and science experts who focus on some of the nation??s most pressing long-term challenges, including climate change, resiliency, ecological restoration, contamination studies, water supply, disaster response, and urban revitalization. Matrix believes solving environmental challenges through careful planning and engineering is becoming an indispensable measure of success.

    Matrix is a growing woman-owned business with offices in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Arizona, and Louisiana coupled with project experience throughout the United States and the Caribbean.
    Certified WBE, DBE Business

    Media Contact:
    Amy Delman
    Amy Delman Public Relations, LLC
    amydelmanpr ( @ ) verizon dot net


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