Megumi Whips Out Chimera Shadow Garden in Ch 170 of Jujutsu Kaisen

Just when Reggie thought he had Megumi right where he wanted, Megumi whips out Chimera Shadow Garden domain expansion. Chapter 170 of Jujutsu Kaisen gave us a look at the hilarious fight which ensued between the duo.

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Megumi and Reggie were having a Looney Tunes fight right from the beginning. From throwing elephants, radishes, and rabbits at each other to hiding a knife inside a flying vegetable, it was one hell of a battle.

I couldn’t hold in my laughter when Megumi just fled from the field with no explanation whatsoever. Little did Reggie know that it was a plan to lure him to an enclosed space.

Megumi explains that it is hard to place an artificial environment over a real space of different sizes for too long. So, the gymnasium he has found is the perfect fit for his domain.

The moment Reggie realizes Megumi’s capacity is a scene to behold. He went from “I’ve got this” to “Maybe I should’ve stayed in my cave today.”

Megumi, in turn, is fully basking in Reggie’s awe. In the next chapter, Reggie will either get pummeled or show his full potential. You know how the ‘finally found the worthy opponent’ trope works in manga, right?

Previously, when Megumi used the domain expansion, it had caused heavy strain on him, resulting in nose bleeds and extreme exhaustion. Have the side effects decreased with time?

Moreover, chapter 170 showed a mysterious vertebral structure in the middle of the domain. Is this a new shikigami? It looks intimidating and is probably an improved version of his previous moves.

So chapter 170 of Jujutsu Kaisen is officially out and I still can’t tell exactly what the new Shikigami Megumi summoned is 🤔 Top of the spinal cord with brain nerves branching out is all I see. I looks wicked tho#JujutsuKaisen #JJK

— FingersCrossed (@FingersCro55ed) January 3, 2022

Megumi might not be aiming to kill Reggie, which is why it is taking extra effort on his part. Regardless, I bet Reggie will receive the results of his previous sass in the next chapter.

About Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen, also known as Sorcery Fight, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by GegeAkutami, serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since March 2018.

An anime television series adaptation produced by MAPPA premiered in October 2020.

The story revolves around Yuuji Itadori, a high-school student who, despite hating athletics, is insanely fit. Yuuji gets involved in the world of sorcery when he swallows a powerful talisman to protect his friends from its curse.

On observing that Yuuji wasn’t affected much even when inflicted with this curse, Satoru decides to send Yuuji on a quest to save the world.

Source: Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 170

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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