My former school wants help from the police already from the 5th grade. That's not the way to go.

  • Ayesha Akram (19)

Ayesha Akram (19)


Last updated just now

At Lusetjern primary school in Oslo, they are worried about some students who are recruited into negative environments. Photo: Ketil Blom Haugstulen

There’s another solution that is far more important.

Say; D-post

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Various negative environments try to recruit students already from 5. – 7. steps at my former school, Lusetjern, according to FAU.

It came out in Aftenposten earlier this week.

FAU has now written a citizen proposal, with almost 400 signatures, which has been sent to the city council in Oslo. Among other things, they propose more money for leisure activities and more money for schools with students at increased risk of falling outside.

They also request that the municipality take the initiative towards the police so that their programs for early intervention can be adapted to children at the intermediate level.

I absolutely agree with these proposals – except for the latter. Is it really necessary for police intervention as early as the intermediate stage? Or maybe it’s a little more necessary with more good teachers?

Suspicion quite since I graduated from Holmlia ungdomsskole, one of my heart’s desires has been to prevent children and young people from ending up in negative environments. But whether help from the police at such a young age is necessary, I doubt. This may cause students to feel more suspicious than they already do This can lead to students feeling more suspicious than they already do, and that they feel even more like the “villain” in the class. In my opinion, there is another solution to this that is far more important, namely more good teachers!

Having been a student for 13 years, I know very well where big difference a really good teacher can make.

Big potential Now that both the school and FAU are on the case, they have an enormous potential to prevent students from falling outside. But it requires the right solutions!

It is now time to focus early on competent and dedicated teachers who see the student. A teacher who is not only academically good and concerned with results, but who also sees the needs of each individual student.

A teacher who sees the student behind all the frustration and anger. A teacher who is simply socially, pedagogically and culturally competent.

It is therefore important to get the course more teachers to be able to handle students who are different.

It does not help to have a teacher who does not try to understand why a student is making noise in class, or why a student is rude to fellow students.

May be the key because In my opinion, it is actually the lack of a feeling of mastery, confirmation and inclusion that makes that young people apply to such negative environments.

If the teachers manage to make the students feel proud of their own efforts, the students will feel mastered even if they may not be able to. all that fellow students can do. This means that they have confidence in their teacher and can tell about their challenges, so that they can work with them together.

One must focus on a school where teachers meet all students with an open mind. And not least a school that cooperates with the local community on prevention – without involving the police so early.

Because of our own observation and experience, it is in fact the case that more good and trusting teachers can be the key to a better everyday life and a good future for an incredible number of people.

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