| Proteas women slide to 13-run defeat in CWG T20 opener against New Zealand

It was a case of what if, could if, and should if as South
Africa slipped to a 13-run defeat against New Zealand in their opening 2022
Commonwealth Games T20 tournament game at Edgbaston in Birmingham on Saturday.

New Zealand’s 167/2 was always going to be a tough ask, but
when Chloe Tryon smacked three sixes and three fours in her 17-ball 39, the
target was definitely within reach.

However, Tryon was run-out in a mix-up with her captain Sune
Luus (32) with 27 balls remaining in the innings.

New Zealand’s relief was palpable as the most dangerous
batter was gone, and by the time Luus joined Tryon in the hut at the end of the
19th over, New Zealand’s win was guaranteed.

South Africa’s chase was let down by a slow start that saw
Hilton Moreeng’s side scoring at less than six an over in the first 10 overs.

The losses of Anneke Bosch (3) and Tazmin Brits (6) left
South Africa at 15/2 in the fourth over. There were meaningful contributions
from Mignon du Preez (26) and Laura Wolvaardt (28), who shared a 46-run
partnership for the third wicket.

They fell in quick succession to see SA slip to 74/4, but
that opened up the path to the 42-run partnership that Tryon dominated.

When that stand ended, so did SA’s resistance, but they’ll
look back at listless bowling and fielding performance that allowed Suzie Bates
to make an unbeaten 91 off just 64 balls.

She was ably assisted by Sophie Devine’s 48 off 40 balls
that looked formidable until Tryon made them look human.

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