Open Banking Exchange plans to start operations in Chile

The Open Banking Summit will be held in Chile on January 20, in which the experienced members of the Konsentus group will exchange ideas and projects with some of the operators banking and finance in that country.

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Open Banking Exchange prevé iniciar operaciones en Chile

Open Banking Exchange (OBE) will now be based in Chile this coming January 20, the date on which the project will be launched in this part of Latin America , already having a presence in Colombia and Mexico.

It is an initiative of the Konsentus group, who using cutting-edge technology in the cloud allows open banking to be agile but also reliable. The use of technology immutable from data allows to offer solutions of payment and verification in a decentralized manner in the bank open.

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In the press release It is indicated that the OBE program has been a success in Colombia, Mexico, Philippines, Southeast Asia and Ukraine. This expansion will have a summit on January 20 of this year in Chile, who will meet with the Regulatory Commission of the Market Financial , Transban, Global66, Fl oid and Betterfly who are banking and financial operators in Chile.

The OBE program aims to grow the achievements that open benches have obtained, while discussing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in 2022, and in the near future with the use and implementation of disruptive technologies. Part of the banking trends this year is precisely to diversify the services offered to its client portfolio in the safest way possible.

Open Banking Europe (OBE) is emerging as an environment innovative and efficient to achieve the perfect amalgamation between open and secure payment transactions at the same time, for this , until now has had the support in several parts of the world, since it not only works with the financial operators involved but also has the support of regulators, self-regulatory organizations and national communities, allowing the progress achieved to be firm and irreversible.

In this way, Victor Rivera, the SVP of Open Banking Exchange declared: “We are working with regulators and the open finance communities in Colombia and Mexico to help accelerate their open finance programs and We look forward to working with regulators and the community in Chile to drive innovation and enable open finance to advance.”

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