Orava floorball clubs acted mixedly

Winnings were only isolated.

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Raptori sa mohli v nedeľu proti Hurikánu Bratislava spoľahnúť na skvelého brankára Jána Kaššáka (vľavo). Zaslúžene bol vyhlásený za najlepšieho domáceho hráča. The raptors could count on the great goalkeeper Ján Kaššák (left) on Sunday against Hurricane Bratislava. He was deservedly declared the best home player. (Source: club archive)


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FBK Nizna – Zahorska Bystrica 3: 7 (1: 4,0: 0,2: 3) P. Bachan, Medjo (Latka), Latka (Reguly)

Nižnej’s playing coach Patrik Bachan: We didn’t catch the start of the match. We wanted to get a head start there, but we couldn’t. We just gave the lead to the opponent, who controlled the whole match. We shot him, but we just didn’t want it today. A difficult match for the psyche. We were worried about the ending and even though we were in good positions, we recorded or didn’t hit unnecessarily. We have to put it behind us before tomorrow’s match.

Nižná – Dubnica n. Libra 10: 7 (3: 1,1: 6,6: 0) Medžo, Latka (Hujo), Bachan (Drozd), Reguly (Bachan), Laštík (Reguly), Medžo (Bachan), Medžo (Reguly), Bachan (Laštík), Bachan (Košarišťan), Reguly (Bachan)

Playing coach of Nizhny Patrik Bachan: After the second period, when we lost 4: 7, it would be hard for anyone to put a leaky groschen on us and I am very happy that we showed a fighting spirit and extra-league experience. We regrouped the team and managed to break the Dubnians and bring the match to a victorious end.

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5. wheel

RAptORs – Tempish Capitol 4:10 (1: 2,2: 3,1: 5) D. Michlík (Vnenčák), Ferneza, Vnenčák (Adamčík), Adamčík (Mores)

RAptORs player Matúš Píši: We entered the match as outsiders, but we showed that we can fight as a team . The match broke in the third period, which we lost high 1: 5. We scored three goals in one substitution, which decided the match. However, the boys left their hearts on the field and unlocked the whole match.

Stará Ľubovňa – Mútne 9: 5 (3: 3,2: 1,4: 1) Kubala, Bolek (Kubala), Maslan (Babečka), Jakubjak, Čajka,

Spisska Nova Ves – Dolny Kubin 8: 3 (3: 1,3: 1,2: 1) Drengubiak (Gáll), Huba (Drengubiak), Huba (Gáll)

6. wheel

RAptORs – Hurricane Bratislava 6: 1 (1: 0, 1: 0, 4 : 1) Grobarčík (Oselský), Dominik Michlík (Šimon Michlík), own, Dávid Michlík (Dominik Michlík), Šimon Michlík (Dávid Michlík), Adamčík

Captain RAptORs Martin Adamčík: We entered the match with the fact that we want to break the domestic curse. The match was even from the beginning. Fortunately, we changed one chance in the first period.

Adam Kaššák held us in the gate. In the middle part of the game, we scored one more goal again and increased it to 2: 0. We improved the game in the last third. We attacked the hurricane. The guests wanted to put us under pressure, then a foul came on Filip Kurán, for which the visiting player received a red card and we played a five-minute power play. We scored three goals in it and decided on our victory. Our best player was clearly Adam “Šaňo” Kaššák, who held us well several times and reached for a clean sheet.

Related article Related article Marek Huba evaluates the first match: We will learn from it and we will be stronger Read

Stará Ľubovňa – Dolný Kubín 9: 5 (3: 2,1: 3,5: 0) IN. Huba (M. Drengubiak), V. Huba (J. Tóth), P. Kubačka (V. Huba), M. Grega (D. Kuhajda), P. Kubačka (D. Kuhajda)

President of the club Matúš Lakoštík: We traveled to the double match in order to get at least three points, although we still do not have a complete staff. In Spišská Nová Ves we gave a very weak performance against a very good opponent

The next day we started in Stará Ľubovňa, where it was a two-thirds even match. Our boys fought, but the ball was on the opponent’s side.

The match broke in the last part. After the very first exclusion in the match, we did not manage to play in weakness. From that moment on, the opponent had a clear advantage and did not allow us to breathe a reversal.

Spisska Nova Ves – Mutne 6: 5 (2: 0,1: 1,3: 4) Maslan (M. Papák), O. Kubala (M. Bolek), Maslan (M. Kapičák), Kubala (M. Kapičák), M. Papák

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