Police Jawan Kills Two Colleagues In Nagaland

In a case of fratricide personnel of the special task force of Nagaland police shot dead two of his colleagues at Jalukie in Peren district, officials said on Wednesday.

Police said that the STF personnel a colleague from the force and another from the 10th Indian Reserve Battalion of Nagaland Armed Police while he was on duty at around 8:30 pm on Tuesday, they said.

An FIR was filed against the man, found to be Zenisie. He was taken into custody after the incident. 

His victims have been identified as Lance Nail Zewangba Yimkhiung of STF and constable Kevisekho Khate of the 10th India Reserve Battalion.

The killings are being investigated, the police said. 

(Inputs from PTI)

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