President Ruto Addresses Term Limit Speculations: God Gave Me This Job

President William Ruto has acknowledged that God entrusted him with the mission of transforming Kenya by appointing him as the nation’s leader.

Speaking after a church service at the United Pentecostal Church of Kenya in Dagoretti North, Nairobi, Ruto reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to fulfilling this divine assignment.

He explained that his sense of purpose is the driving force behind his decision to engage with all political leaders, including those in opposition, in a bid to unite the country and realize God’s plan for Kenya’s future.

The president emphasized that transforming the nation requires collective effort, stressing that no single individual, political party, or region can accomplish it alone.

“There is a job God has given me to lead this nation and an assignment to transform Kenya, and I have every intention to make sure we transform our nation. It is the reason I am ready to work with all leaders and unite all Kenyans to fulfil God’s plan. One man, one party, one region cannot do it but all of us united, we can achieve much together,” Ruto stated.

Reflecting on his leadership journey, President Ruto expressed immense pride in his role as the country’s president and profound gratitude to God for making his leadership possible.

He also addressed his critics, particularly those who have speculated about his tenure. Responding to claims that he would be a one-term president and others suggesting he should rule for more than two terms, Ruto reminded the nation of the doubts some had just a few years ago about his potential to become president.

Kuna watu wanaongea mambo ya one term, two terms, three terms. Pale nyuma kuna watu walifikiria sitakuwa hata na term. Lakini Mungu ni nani? Nimefurahi sana Mungu amenipatia nafasi hii niwe kiongozi wa Kenya. I am a very proud President of the Republic of Kenya.”

Loosely translated:  (People are talking about one term, two terms, three terms. Before, there were those who thought I wouldn’t even have a term. But who is God? I am very happy that God has given me this opportunity to be the leader of Kenya. I am a very proud President of the Republic of Kenya).

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